Thursday, 14 March 2013

Education and Technology: What is the effect of technology? Is it worth the cost?

Take a look at how to evaluate the effectiveness of technology implementation.

·  The Technology Effectiveness Framework was developed to assist educators, researchers, and policymakers in evaluating technology and technology-enhanced programs/curricula against specific reform goals for a school, district, state, or service agency."
Technology Effectiveness Framework
       Ask yourself the following questions: What are the learning goals to which technology applies? How are these learning goals moving the school toward reform? How will a technology-enhanced curriculum support instructions that addresses those learning goals? Does the technology-enhanced approach help restructure the school to meet its plant for educational reform? Do the students achieve the learning goals using the technology-enhanced curriculum? Can the school implement cost-efficient technologies given its goals and current realities? Can the school extend or adapt less functional technologies so that they are more functional to support a global community of learners in sustained learning that is challenging and authentic? Are there funding strategies/partnerships that can reduce the cost? How can a school continuously plan to use technology to reach for more powerful learning goals and reform?
       Keep in mind the following variables that define learning: The goals and metaphors that drive learning and instructions (vision of learning). The tasks that ultimately define the nature and level of achievement as well as the curriculum. The assessment principles and practice. The instructional model. The characteristics of the learning context including where learning takes place, the nature of the learning environment, the nature of the relationship among teachers and students. The learner roles and the teacher roles.
       Maintain the new definition of Technology Effectiveness to include: Authentic and multi-disciplinary task. Addresses important issues and problems in the real world. Performance-based assessment. Interactive models of instruction. Heterogeneous groupings, collaboration, students exploration and teacher as facilitator. 
What are the features of technology that promote engaged learning and effective instruction?
       Access: connectivity and interconnectivity, design for equitable use. Operability: interoperability, open architecture, transparency. Resource location and direction: distributed, user control of input, designed for collaborative project. Capacity for engagement: provide access to authentic and challenging tasks, interesting and useful databases or information sets and powerful relationships, take charge of learning, problem solving and exploring, provide information that is just in time and just enough, make explicit what is typically implicit, diagnose learning problems, adapt the system output and learning opportunities in light of diagnoses, customize learning for specific interests, levels of ability and learning preferences. Ease of use: effective help, user friendliness, speed of processing and operations, user control, training and support. Functionality: prepare learners for diversity of technology functions used in the workplace and homes in the 21sst Century, develop skills for programming and authoring, develop skills related to project design and implementation.
How can the administration use technology? 

        Administrator’s new responsibilities must include supporting the efforts of their staff to adopt and adapt new technologies in order to achieve new levels of productivity and achievement. In effect, managers must provide the vision of change that includes empowering teachers and learners in new ways and then must learn how to effectively manage these empowered teachers and learners. Administration - much broader and more fluid group of players and functions to  manage.Administrative uses of technology allow teachers to spend less time on cumbersome paperwork and more time on educational content and working with students. "In many ways, the schools of brick and tradition we have built or inherited are threatened. Our schools may yet incorporate the use of the Internet deep into their psyche and embrace global learning opportunities, or they may ignore the implications of an on-line environment, only to find that they, like the clergy in a post-Gutenberg press world, are no longer the primary brokers of learning and education."
How will students and teachers be impacted with the implementation of new technology?
        There is less "teaching" when learning is happening online. "…teaching in an on-line setting challenges teachers to shift paradigms and use a constructivist model of learning that creates roles for other mentors and experts."  Teacher from sage on the stage to guide on the side: mentor and coach. Teachers collaborate more.  
In SRI Report (page 2) it was found that when the discrete skills approach is discarded and students are given tasks that are meaningful and challenging to them (e.g., describe your city through an exhibit for museum visitors), the result will be working on basic and advanced skills together (e.g., preparing displays will require attention to both high-level issues of content and design and the basic skills of writing mechanics). It will also usually involve doing multidisciplinary work (e.g., describing the city means assembling geographic and historical information as well as practicing composition skills). Such authentic tasks not only bread with the convention of holding off on work involving advanced skills until mastery of basic skills has been demonstrated but also transcend the traditional disciplinary boundaries that are used to break up the typical school day into short segments. The greater complexity of such tasks puts pressure on the convention of small blocks of time for individual activities. Serious intellectual activity requires more than 50 minutes of concentrated attention. 
Technology offers the opportunity to change the roles that teachers and students have traditionally played. With technology dispensing information, teachers are free to coach and facilitate students learning. With technology monitoring learning, students can become active learners, working to effectively acquire new skills as they solve problems. If the goal of creating high-performance learning organizations is to be realized, the reinvention of American education has to incorporate these new tools." 
Benefits to Educational Practices:
"New technologies provide the potential for drawing the policymakers themselves, information resources, and all other components of the system 'toward a politics of collaboration."
"Computers and telecommunication systems are driving changes in how we manage educational organizations, how we teach, and how our students learn."
"Technology: Equity is addressed by an increase in state and local funding, school-business partnerships, development of tech-based community learning centers."
"Technology-rich classrooms are most successful when advanced technologies are linked with advanced teaching strategies; such as cooperative learning, thinking skills, guided inquiry, and thematic teaching."

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